The T319 is the LED "display" that only has buttons, the KM529-LCD is the LCD display that shows speed, mileage, battery level, etc. Manuals are attached at bottom.

For both displays:

-To turn the headlight on (and the backlight for the display on the KM529) hold the + button for 2 seconds. To turn it off hold the + button for 2 seconds again.

-To engage "walk mode" hold the - button for 2 seconds. This will engage the motor in low speed without pedaling.

Error codes for KM529:

Error CodeDefinitionSolution
21Current Abnormality
Inspect if motor phrases short-circuits
22Throttle Abnormality
Inspect if throttle recover original state
23Motor Abnormality
Inspect if motor phrase iswell-connected;Inspect if lines are well-connectedbetween motor phrases and controller.
24Motor Hall Signal Abnormality
Non-Hall Controller :Inspect if motorphrase is well-connected;Hall Controller:Inspect if motor hall iswell-connected.
25Brake Abnormality
Inspect if brakes original state beforedisplay startup.
30Communication Abnormality
Inspect if lines are well-connectedbetween display and controller.

Error codes for T319:

Light CombinationDefinition
indicator light flash(LOW level)
0x21: abnormal current level
indicator light flash(MED level)
0x22: abnormal throttle level
indicator light flash(LOW+MED level)
0x23: motor phase level
indicator light flash(HIGH level)
0x24: Motor hall signal level
indicator light flash(LOW+HIGH levels)
0x25: brake level
indicator light flash(LOW+MED+HIGH levels)
0X30: Abnormal communicationlevel

remark:the display shut down after one minute when abnomal code exit

Contact info for KingMeter: [email protected] /[email protected]

Manual for the 2019 Pulse: Display: 811132002-1707 and model # on the speed control is X008-AA002 is entitled: T320 LED.pdf

For the Gen 2 Pulse, if a brake lever is depressed while the bike is powering on you will get error 0x23 Motor Phase Level